Why I Keep Trying.

Yesterday morning was a happy morning. I knew emails were being sent out for the latest Paper Crafts Magazine call for the January issue. I submitted 8 cards this time around, which is a pretty good amount for me. I felt as though I was sort of coming off a Gallery Idol high with lots of ideas spinning around in my head. I have only gotten a handful of acceptance emails from Paper Crafts Magazine, but every time I do, it is just as exciting as the first time. What's really great about the Paper Crafts Magazine call specifically is when the emails go out, everyone chats on Facebook and we all support each other and it's a grand little party of celebration, screaming, jumping up and down and support.

I will never understand when crafty girls tell me "my work isn't good enough" or "I never get chosen, I'm going to stop trying" or "maybe someday I will get the courage to submit".


What exactly do you have to lose again? Please explain to me. Do I need to smack you upside the head with a confidence stick? Cause I will....for your own good ;)

Excuse #1: My work isn't good enough.
Solution: Really? Where is your self confidence? If you truly believe your work isn't good enough, then why not keep submitting and keep challenging and pushing yourself? You will only get better with each submission and each card you make. Visit the call site, see what categories peak your interest, and just CREATE. Be you.

Excuse #2: I never get chosen.
Solution: Yes, you're right, if you never submit, you will never get chosen. It takes ONE idea to get picked up. Let's say you submit and you submit and you submit, and you never get that email. Maybe it just wasn't what they were looking for this time around. Maybe you just have bad luck. Maybe the card gods are putting curses on you. But eventually, you WILL and CAN beat the odds. You WILL get in.

Excuse #3: Maybe someday....
Solution: How about TODAY? What are you waiting for exactly?

Just a few of my random thoughts about submitting your creations to publications. I'll share with you now a few of my rejects. It's funny that I call them rejects - they really aren't. They may not have gotten chosen but hey, guess what, I like em, I'm proud of em and now they are in my stash to give out. It's a win-win for me.
Nothing beats seeing your baby (aka card) in print with your name and how you made it. Nothing!
The next call for Paper Crafts Magazine will be in a few weeks. Be sure to check their submission site often HERE. I'm going to be disappointed in you if you don't try...just sayin ;)

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