Hey guys! I'm here today to post a super fun card I created with the exclusive Simon Says Stamp Mama Elephant stamp and die set Super Duo. So incredible precious! I love super heros and am quite obsessed with Wonder Woman (see picture below - haha!)
ANYWAY. Moving right along. Here is my card I created. Isn't this set so super cute? I love it!
Peace, love and Wonder Woman.
] Iukuhe jvl.gufu.erinleecreative.com.nyf.ty http://slkjfdf.net/
] Ogowagu ihh.ndhp.erinleecreative.com.vwz.dr http://slkjfdf.net/
] Ezefecari pro.ihbw.erinleecreative.com.vet.um http://slkjfdf.net/
] Umigfivii xce.cabo.erinleecreative.com.pam.yk http://slkjfdf.net/
] Ihesubie jps.tuid.erinleecreative.com.dws.ag http://slkjfdf.net/