Christmas decorations and a brain dump on life.
My Christmas decorations desperately need to come down, be organized, and stored away out of my site until forever...I mean next year. But I'm finding myself contemplating life, my business, my goals and overall aspiration and dreams. I think that's normal? I think.
I launched my stamp company in November. I had planned, prepared and designed a brand, products and a website (with the help of my awesome husband). Every day that the kids were at preschool, I would come home and build the company, discussing things with illustrators, designers, companies who were going to produce my products and plan out my release. It was a huge undertaking. The release came and went, the holidays, my travels down to Texas to see my parents and a cruise to Mexico all flew by in a blink of an eye.

And now I sit and ponder. With laundry to put away, Christmas decorations lingering above my head, and children screaming/fighting/running around. The cows could use a treat, the chicken coop waterer needs repair and dinner needs prepped. I need to craft and blog using my products. WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE????
I know I'm a wife. I know I'm a mom. I take care of the home, the animals. But WHO am I and what kind of legacy do I want to leave? I have had so many plans and big ideas in my life that have came and went. Yesterday, I was so discouraged and frustrated. I felt my life was being pulled in a 100 directions with no method to the madness. And then it hit me.....

I was just going to be ME.
I have a lot of interests.
I love to stamp. I love to create craft products for others to use and love and be inspired by. I love to cook. I love taking care of my cows, chickens and farm life. I love my kids and my husband and I love organizing. I love to travel.
It really is just that simple.
So here's to being me in 2019. And this space, my blog and website, will be me and all of the things I love to do. Stamp products, stamping, crafting, farm life, my family, cooking, traveling and organizing this crazy thing called life. And who knows, maybe I'll start selling some of my favorite clothes. Big goals, big dreams.
Until tomorrow,